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Celebrity short hair styles are a great place to start as celebrities are often on top of hair style trends and have cutting edge hairstyles.

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Best hairstyle

Kareena Kapoor hair model that represents the model's hair from india.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

All About Straight Hair

If you have been blessed with fairly straight hair, then you are lucky and the envy of many women (myself included). Thick hair that is mostly straight, with maybe a slight wave is usually the easiest hair to style. Your natural wave loves to be curled and styled, and yet is easy to straighten and looks fabulous worn straight.Women with tight curly hair, or fine, dead straight hair that has little body and refuses to hold curl (yes, that's me!) struggle to style our hair at times.If your hair is...

All About Curly Hair

For those of you with curly hair, you'll admit it can be both a blessing and a hassle. When your curls look good, they really look good. But all it takes is a slight change of weather and you've got frizz problems! It's true, curly hair can sometimes need a bit more care and attention than straight hair to keep it looking its best. has curly hair information and advice, hairstyles for curly hair and curly hair care tips that will have your locks looking their best.It is important to...

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